Wednesday Aug 9, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Wednesday, August 9, 2023 12-1 p.m. CDT
Online webinar
Kallie Kleinschmidt
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As our financial and economic world becomes more complex, it is increasingly important to be well versed in the basics. In this webinar, we will provide an overview of foundational concepts related to the financial markets and the economy. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned investor, this webinar will provide clarity on economic and market fundamentals, dispel misconceptions, and simplify conventionally complicated concepts. Learning Objectives: Explore the cycle of economic expansions and contractions and how they are interconnected with the stock and bond markets. Explain why inflation exists and its role in the global economy. Discuss interest rates and their impact on the economy and borrowing. Discuss the tradeoff of returns vs. risk, the magic of compounding, and the importance of diversification. Summarize how stocks, bonds and cash investments work and explain the difference between the most popular investment vehicles. Presenter: Brett Myer, CFA, CIMA®, Investment Strategy Manager | Eide Bailly Financial Services, LLC Brett oversees our Seasons Investment Platform, which is designed to provide a flexible and personalized investment approach that is tailored to each client's financial objectives. His primary responsibilities are client investment strategy execution, portfolio construction and analyzing economic and financial trends and market conditions in search of investment opportunities and ongoing client education. He also conducts in-depth analysis to create projections with the intention to ensure accurate and timely investment recommendations, as well as evaluate and advocate for improvements in the systems and processes used to develop and deliver services to clients. Brett Myers is an Investment Advisor Representative of Eide Bailly Advisors, LLC and non-registered personnel of United Planners. CPE Information CPE Credit: 1 Field of Study: Economics Level of Knowledge: Basic Delivery Method: Group-Internet Based Additional Information: This is a Group-Internet Based Webinar. No prerequisites or advanced preparation required. For information regarding a complaint and/or program cancellation policies, please contact Mye Collins.