Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Wednesday, July 12, 2023 12-1 p.m. CDT
Online webinar
Kallie Kleinschmidt
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Looking for ways to reduce your tax liability? This webinar will discuss some of the most widely available tax credits and deductions for your organization, including the Research & Development credit, Employee Retention Credit, energy incentives, IC-DISC, utility sales tax exemptions, discretionary and statutory incentives, and more. Join us for a webinar to learn more about these valuable credits and deductions and whether your organization may qualify. Learning Objectives: Summarize how to qualify for available credits and incentives. Assess the benefits of available credits and incentives. Explore the incentives available in the Inflation Reduction Act. Presenters: Mark Rogers, Principal, Business Credits & Incentives | Eide Bailly Mark has over 19 years of experience helping taxpayers identify and implement tax-saving strategies made available through building, acquiring, renovating and designing property. And now, courtesy of the Inflation Reduction Act, Mark is helping nonprofits and exempt organizations monetize energy incentives to help their funding. As a leader in the Business Credits & Incentives arena, Mark oversees a national team of CPAs, Professional Engineers, energy modelers, LEED professionals, architects, HERS raters and construction specialists. The BCI group has professionals with wide industry experience performing Research & Development, Employee Retention Credit, fixed asset planning, 179D energy deduction, cost segregation, 45L energy credit, 45Q CCS credit, tangible property regulations and construction tax planning studies. Joe Sawatske, HERS Rater, Principal, Energy Incentives | Eide Bailly Joe has over 15 years of experience in helping taxpayers realize tax incentives through the construction, renovation and design of energy efficient real estate. As the head of Eide Bailly’s Energy Efficiency Incentives (EEI) group, Joe oversees a national team of Professional Engineers, energy modelers and HERS Raters. The growing EEI group has extensive experience in performing 179D deduction, 45L credit and ENERGY STAR studies. Jesse Wutkee, CPA, Partner | Eide Bailly Jesse provides tax consulting services to clients throughout the country. He helps clients benefit from research and development tax credits at the federal and state level spending a majority of his time in the technology, manufacturing, construction and agriculture industries. He represents clients before federal and state tax authorities to support their R&D credit claims. Matt Harrison, Senior Manager | Eide Bailly Matt Harrison is a Senior Manager in Eide Bailly’s tax credits and incentives group. He has 8 years of tax consulting experience primarily working with federal and state R&D tax incentives and is responsible for leading advanced tax planning projects for both private and public clients. Matt specializes in implementing federal and state tax solutions for businesses across a wide variety of industries, including manufacturing, aerospace and defense, civil and mechanical engineering, life sciences and biotechnology, and software development. He retains an exemplary track record for high sustention rate in defending claims before the IRS and state taxing authorities regarding audit matters. Matt’s technical acumen provides the foundation for his R&D tax credit expertise. CPE Information CPE Credit: 1 Field of Study: Taxes Level of Knowledge: Basic Delivery Method: Group-Internet Based Additional Information: This is a Group-Internet Based Webinar. No prerequisites or advanced preparation required. For information regarding a complaint and/or program cancellation policies, please contact Mye Collins.