Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Tuesday, July 25, 2023 12-1 p.m. CDT
Online Webinar
Kallie Kleinschmidt
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Have your organizational needs outgrown your current operations, creating costly and time-consuming manual processes? Are you looking for solutions to streamline and better leverage your existing resources? Automation has become an industry buzzword that has left many uncertain on its practical applications, but when executed correctly, it can help your organization do more with less and elevate employee satisfaction in today's tough labor market. Automation has the capability to transform the way you do business, but it's important to have a plan for the processes you choose to automate. If you're using multiple systems, spreadsheets, or data sources to complete tasks or your team is spending hours (or even days) on cumbersome manual processes instead of high-value tasks, it may be time for you to explore ways to optimize your processes with automation. Join our webinar as we explore automation in full transparency as an enhancement tool for your people, processes, and technology. Learning Objectives: Define what automation is and how it can improve operations. List the steps to improve processes and reduce risk. Explore how process improvement initiatives impact performance and expenses. Identify shared areas of unnecessary waste in business processes that pinpoint the need for automation. Examine how automation and technology integration can improve data stability, access, and IT expenses. Presenter: Nick Mortensen, MISM, Principal | Eide Bailly Nick is the practice Lead over the Business Process Automation and Optimization team at Eide Bailly Technology Consulting. After receiving his Master's in Information Systems Management from Brigham Young University, he dove straight into business and technical consulting. With over a hundred projects under his belt as a project lead or technical architect, he has developed a deep passion for what he does. His team utilizes a suite of tools to optimize business processes and automate menial and complex tasks, leaving humans to do what humans do best. By striving to understand your business first, his team of consultants will ensure your automation solutions deliver a quick return on investment while marching you towards your larger digital transformation goals. CPE Information CPE Credit: 1 Field of Study: Information Technology Level of Knowledge: Basic Delivery Method: Group-Internet Based Additional Information: This is a Group-Internet Based Webinar. No prerequisites or advanced preparation required. For information regarding a complaint and/or program cancellation policies, please contact Mye Collins.