Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Tuesday, October 24, 2023 12-1 p.m. CDT
Online webinar
Kallie Kleinschmidt
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If your organization is investing in innovation and working to stay competitive through new or improved products or services, you could qualify for the research and development (R&D) tax credit. Join us to learn more about qualifying activities, benefiting from the R&D tax credit, our process for helping clients claim the credit, and a few case study examples of how clients have qualified for the credit in the past. Learning Objectives: Describe the qualifying R&D activities. Define the benefits of the R&D tax credit. Explore case studies of clients who have benefited from the R&D tax credit. Presenter: Jim Donovan, CPA, Partner/R&D Tax Incentives Practice Leader | Eide Bailly Jim has more than 20 years of tax consulting experience helping clients benefit from federal and state incentives, including credits for activities most consider a necessity to remain competitive in today’s global market. Jim oversees the employee retention credit and R&D tax credit practices and is a leader in the Business Credits & Incentives space. He also assists clients in sustaining their credits if examined by a federal or state authority. Jim has authored articles on tax incentives and actively presents on business credits and incentives at conferences and webinars. CPE Information CPE Credit: 1 Field of Study: Taxes Level of Knowledge: Basic Delivery Method: Group-Internet Based Additional Information: This is a Group-Internet Based Webinar. No prerequisites or advanced preparation required. For information regarding a complaint and/or program cancellation policies, please contact Mye Collins.
Printed courtesy of www.abilenechamber.com – Contact the Abilene Chamber of Commerce for more information.
400 Pine St., Abilene, TX 79601 – 325-677-7241 – info@abilenechamber.com